Sunday, June 14, 2009

An Open Letter to the Kid at the Grocery Store

An Open Letter to the Kid at the Grocery Store

An Open Letter to the Kid at the Grocery Store that Bagged My Groceries [read: one tiny bottle of salad dressing] and When I Asked if You Could Help Me Carry It Out to My Car You Said "Sure!":

I was kidding.

Thanks, though.


Heather Cherry


Unknown said...

Maybe he's just too young and naive to detect sarcasm yet...or he's "touched" in the head.

Shawn said...

Heh. There are probably people out there lazy enough to request that, though.

Eric said...

Have you been 'dressing' down again? No, probably two associates would have offered to help if that was the deal.

Mrs. E said...

He's probably heard it all! : ) I was waiting for the bag to rip and the bottle to break and...! Your version has a happy ending!

obladi oblada said...

LOL..Hopefully he thought about it later and got a good chuckle out of it. Thats a good one! You know, the customer is always, maybe he was just being cautious. Funny though.

Heather Cherry said...

Shop: I'm pretty sure he was a bit "touched."

Shawn: I'm not doubting it!

E: Yea! :o)

O/O: I'm always right, even when I'm not a customer. So... there you go.

Jeff Tompkins said...

This would be a great scene, when you get outside and tell the bagger to wait there while you go get the car and back up to the curb and pop the trunk.

Funnyrunner said...

At our local safeway the cashiers are always required to ask you whether you need assistance carrying your groceries to the car, notwithstanding what they are or who is with you. They shorten it by saying: "do you need any help?" My typical response is: "yeah- I need all kinds of help - but not with the groceries."

bearman said...

I was going to say maybe he thought you might ask him to help you toss your salad as well but then I thought it was gross and refused to make that comment.

Soda and Candy said...

I think it might be a job requirement that grocery store baggers are a bit touched in the head.

I had one put two 2-liter bottles of soda in a bag, okay, except one of them was upside down. WTH?

g said...

Maybe he's deaf as a doorpost or doesn't speak english or was thinking about terrible things and was distracted-- or maybe he was humorless prig or too dumb to get any sarcasm. cause I think that is funny and charming too.