Dear ScarJo,
You can quit trying to be a singer anytime now. Seriously, you're not very good at it. On a sidenote, your husband is hot. Just thought I'd throw that in there.
Please Stick To Acting,
Brooke Amanda
Carrot footprints
10 years ago
I don't like her.
That is all.
She sings? I am so out of it! All I know is that she is beautiful! Why would you have to sing if you look like that??
Thing is, she's not that great an actress either. She is good at being hot, though.
Office Scribe- I'm on the border of liking/not liking her.
Mrs.E- She put out an album last year and is rolling out another one this year. They weren't big sellers so I'm not surprised you didn't hear about them!
Chris- She was TERRIBLE in that Black Dahlia movie. But yes, she is hot :)
She's gorge, but she lost me when she was in a Woody Allen film. I just really dislike him.
Soda and Candy- She's been in several of them. I guess she's his muse. I can't stand him, either.
Maybe the theory should be that she has to sing in order to reduce her level of hotness somewhat. Kind of an 'anti-siren' situation, if you will...
if you don't like wody allen, you are a major loser.
Ghost world, you MFs.
Anonymous- why do people who leave shitty replies omit their names. Oh, yeah, cause you're a douche.
+ 1. Although, Ghost World was a good movie, I have to agree.
100% agree on her husband being hot. I generally despise celebs, but Ryan Reynolds -- mmm. He must be a nice guy too, right? I want to believe.
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