An Open Letter to Nickelback
Dear Nickelback:
Please do us all a favor and stopping making what doesn't even bear a passing resemblance to music. No, seriously.
With greatest appreciation,
Everyone in the World
NOTE: Funny story... I had this post in my drafts and just hadn't posted it yet when I came across another blogger's Open Letter to Nickelback! Check out Shawn's awesome version at The Shark Tank.
Carrot footprints
10 years ago
You know what else I'm sick of, Nickelback? I'm sick of standing in lines to clubs I'll never get in, it's like the bottom of the ninth and I'm never gonna win--
Ok, I'll stop.
Yes. Please stop.
And actually, I was talking to Nickelback just then. But you can stop, too. Quoting them is almost like a terrorist act.
Heather and Shawn- great minds think alike!
Oh my gawsh! That was hilarious. I loved Shawn's letter too.
Thanks! And yeah, Shawn's was so short and to the point. Nuff said, eh?
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