Dear Woman Standing Behind Me At The Post Office,
Wow, from listening to your phone conversation it sounds like your family is going through some really hard times. Why is your mom such a bitch? And why was she SO MEAN to Katherine the other night at dinner? I mean, all Kat did was make a simple joke about her beer and your mom flipped out! How does your father put up with her?!
And now I'm wondering why they can't just make up their mind about their anniversary next year. I think going on a cruise sounds fabulous! And like you told Kat, it's a big boat so you two won't have to put up with your mother the whole time, ha ha.
Oh, and by the way...I CAN HEAR YOU! The person in front of me can hear you. The person behind you can hear you. You are standing 5 inches away from me. You are not in an invisible phone booth. Some conversations need take place in the privacy of your own home. I mean, what would your mother think!
Stop Airing Your Dirty Laundry In Public,
Brooke Amanda
Carrot footprints
10 years ago
LOL....seriously, its like the person who picks their nose driving down the freeway because they think no one can see them.
Yep. I've basically heard the same conversation at various locations throughout the year. Maybe we all should just start making comments on their 'personal' conversations, maybe they'd hush for just a bit and give us all a sanity break.
This is so freaking funny...sad. But laugh out loud funny.
Thank you for saying what Ive wanted to say skatey-eight million times...
ooohh - i like rebecca's thought process; maybe we should just add our 10cents worth as soon as they got off the phone! Whats MORE frustrating with people like this is that they give you the odd stare (or worse - actually say "what?" like they're idiots... oh that's right... they are!) when you are looking at them thinking "what the f%@* is up with you???"
Yes, I love the idea of commenting on their conversation! I'm going to try that next time and see what happenes :)
Just give in and join the conversation!
A comedy show in the U.K. had a guy with an outrageously over-sized cellphone walk down the street yelling personal info. Nearby cell talkers quickly took the hint.
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