Monday, May 11, 2009

An Open Letter To My Parakeets

Dear Sonny & Cher,

Please stop staring at me and play with your damn toys already! I spent a butt-ton of money on various colorful, wooden, hangy-things for your pimped-out cage and do you two appreciate them? No! All you do is sit on your perch and preen each other. I'm over it. If you don't start ringing the bell soon, I'm going to have to separate you. Oh, and eat the veggies I put in your seed bowl...they're good for you.

Just trying to be a good mom,
Brooke Amanda


ReformingGeek said...

Bird stew anyone?

Heather Cherry said...

Aw! Good for you, Brooke.

DouglasDyer said...

The curious case of Benjamin butt-ton.

foxy said...

you are making a valiant effor... doesn't sound like they'll be joining your other pets (RIP) any time soon.

Shawn said...

Maybe if you got them a trapeze and some S&M masks...

Brooke Amanda said...

Reforming Geek- No! I love them, I just want them to DO something.

Heather & Foxy- I know, I'm SUCH a good keet mom.

Dougie- LOL. Oh, and I'm calling you Dougie now :) So much easier to type than Douglas.

Shawn- I think they are already WAY too into each other. I catch them "making out" all the time.

Colleen said...

maybe you willhave baby 'keets soon .....