Friday, May 29, 2009

An Open Letter to the Dudes in the House

An Open Letter to the Dudes in the House

Dear Fellas:

What is the deal with the hitting on me when I'm at my worst thing? I can be a sweaty, dirty, unwashed mess in a sloppy t-shirt and baggy yoga pants and you pick this time to flirt with me? I run to the Home Depot in the middle of a home improvement project or I schlep into PetSmart covered in dog fur to get Snuggles' nails ground down and apparently my ungroomed appearance translates to "Please check me out." I just don't get it. Why not when I'm all dolled up in a dress and red lipstick and all that crap? I have polled some male friends to figure out this phenomenon and I still don't understand. Don't get me wrong. It's flattering and all but it's just that..., seriously what the crap?

Please. Enlighten me.



cc: All mah grrrrrrrrls in the house... does this happen to you, too???


Mama-Face said...

I never go anywhere without glamming it up. That would explain my lack of being hit on. Thanks for the helpful tip! I'm gonna schlep it big time today.

ReformingGeek said...

That's funny. I'm usually somewhat put together when I go out but it's the older guys at Lowe's giving me the eye. It's creepy and it makes me feel old. Why aren't those cute lifeguards at the gym.....or never mind.

What I think is funny is when I'm a total mess from working out or working in the yard, Hubby wants to cuddle. Say what?

Unknown said...

You must look hot natural!


JV said...

i chalk it up to god needing a good laugh.

Phillipia said...

Hmmm..I must always look good 'cuz I never get hit on...

Unknown said...

I don't think I ever get hit on, but then again, I'm really bad at judging that sort of thing.

JerseyGirl said...

all the time. glad to know it's not just me. i don't get it either.


Jen said...

I think my wedding ring keeps most away. That and I'm so oblivious to any advances that I don't think I would know it if it happened anymore.
I'd take any flirting no matter how you're dressed.

Shawn said...

I don't go out to check the mail without mascara and lipstick, so I really wouldn't know.

littlepinkpebble said...

haha great blog~!!

Anonymous said...

That's b/c when you are all dolled up they think you are too high maintenance.

Jen that is interesting b/c I never got hit on UNTIL I got married. You women need to be like men and keep your hands off someone elses property ha ha

Shawna said...

I try SO HARD not to go out if I don't feel pretty. If I have to, though, I think I've got a pretty good under-cover disguise that usually keeps me pretty camouflaged and invisible. Big sunglasses, ponytail, sweats or loungewear, cap if needed...

Heather Cherry said...

Thanks for everyone's input on this. I still don't totally get it but I think I'm starting to understand a bit more. Maybe?


mo.stoneskin said...

Please don't think all of us exhibit that exact behaviour!

Anonymous said...

Personally, I'd prefer a casual chick over one all dolled-up. She's more approachable. There is also less pressure, perhaps. That is just one dude's opinion.

JM said...

This happens to me fairly often, most recently when I had a bad cold and was apparently really fabulous with my phlegmy cough, red nose, and running eyes. That is beyond ridiculous, and I was NOT in the mood to be checked out/ hit on!

KimNarrative said...

It happens to me too every grungy time. Men. Go figure.